

Science shows that people’s health is intimately related to the health of the environment. In Emergencias we are developing a greater awareness of the environmental impact of our activities and we are promoting projects that collaborate with environmental care.


Paper Less Project

Going paper free is one of the ways through which organizations can reduce the environmental impact. Encouraging the use of electronic documentation implies not only saving paper, but also less transportation and storage of that paper. The objective is to minimize the carbon footprint.

With the Paper Less project we try to achieve these goals through the following actions:

  • Identify the higher paper consuming areas.
  • Measure the potential economic benefit that this project may be.
  • Identify the processes that will be directly affected by converting files to electronic forms.
  • Evaluate the technological tools that must be acquired, its cost, and its implementation plan.
  • Compare points (2) and (4) to make sure that the investment make sense.
  • Generate a communication plan for clients.
  • Structure possible contingency plans.
  • Determine the working team.
  • Define a chronogram of deliverables.
  • Implement the plan.


Responsible management of resources 

Environmental care involves having a greater awareness of how we use the resources that Earth gives us in a more efficient and sustainable way. For this reason, in 2017 we implemented actions to raise awareness and improve the effectiveness of the use of resources:

We designed an electric power saving system. All electrical, lighting and electronic devices of the Melián building that are not used after working hours are automatically turned off at 7:00 p.m.

We assigned a sector of our headquarters to waste sorting, where we make a more specific discrimination than the classic organic and inorganic classification. Therefore, we separate waste in recyclables, common, dangerous and electronic.

We launched an awareness campaign on saving water, towels and paper napkins. We stick stickers and billboards in all the bathrooms, kitchens and 42 common spaces of the company.


Waste management

The responsible management of waste was a major concern in our resources management. The first step was to call the Green Helmets Association and ask for their training programs. Green Helmets is a non-profit civil association that works for the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities through environmental education.

As a team we worked in the “3 Rs”: reduce, reuse and recycle.

The 3 Rs aim to improve our use of resources. Reduce implies consuming less during our daily tasks or production routines. Reusing means giving things the best possible use before discarding them.

And recycling involves participating in the process of reconversion of the products so that they can be useful again. For most people, recycling involves buying recycled products or separating the waste before its disposal.


Green Helmets

Thanks to the contribution of Green Helmets we, as a company and as individuals, are more aware of the importance that our relationship with things has to generate less waste.

IHSA Group | Leader of the market of extra hospital services, security and consulting.

International Health Services Argentina S.A © 2025 Todos los derechos reservados.
CUIT: 30-61029860-1 - Dirección: Av. Melián 2752, CABA