“No violence against women shall go on” in La Boca.

On November 26, 2016, in the context of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, of the campaign #NiUnaMenos (not even one more) and of Speak out against violence against women, Emergencias, together with OSIM, Fundacion x La Boca coordinated by Surcos, a non-profit organization, inaugurated the wall painting that won the contest “NO VIOLENCE against WOMEN shall go on”.

During August 2016 “No violence against women shall go on” was launched in order to raise awareness, disseminate information and prevent violent actions. Over 20 contestants sent paintings related with the elimination of violence against women with the purpose of turning their sketch into a wall painting in La Boca neighbourhood. A selected jury chose the artist Alvaro Barrionuevo as the winner. The event took place in the street and was aimed at the community of La Boca neighbourhood. The activities were coordinated by the areas of Human Resources, House Care and Marketing and consisted of taking blood pressure and giving informative talks about the importance of taking courses on CPR and first aids aimed at the community.

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